Board members Linda Vavra and Ernie Neuman at the Lake Geneva Food Pantry

VOLUNTEER CONNECTION, INC is a 501 (c) non profit charitable organization that helps other nonprofit organizations in Walworth County find volunteers to help meet critical community needs. Over 400 volunteers provide essential services to 50,000 residents at no charge.
VOLUNTEER CONNECTION"S structure consists of one Executive Director and 8 Board members. Board meetings are Tuesday of each month at 10 am in Room 111 at the Walworth County Government Center at 100 W. Walworth Street in Elkhorn WI. Our executive Director and Board members are also volunteers
Executive Director Patti O'Brien's son Kevin at Lakeland Health Care Center
Sherry Fickau
Robert Gosh
David Jordan
Candy Knutson
Karen McClellan
Mary Ryan
Jim Wooldridge - Darien
Katherine Butke - Delavan
Patti O'Brien
“Fund raising must proceed from the inside out. A volunteer gives time, a donor gives money, but a board member has the responsibility to give both.”
David Lansdowne-Fund Raising Realities Every Board Member Must Face

Barb Ligman and Harold Morris-Volunteer Connection Board President-at Sedgmeadow Nutrition Site.

Dan Koesterman- Volunteer Connection Vice-President

Jim Wooldridge
Volunteer Connection Secretary